A Norwegian family on vacation in La Palma faces chaos when a researcher discovers signs of an impending volcanic eruption that could trigger a massive tsunami. The geographic coordinate shown is the exact point in Tenerife that is marked as a “safe spot” by the tsunami. 28.218998 -16.414642. Ok, finally we have a great series here “IF YOU HAVE AN OPEN MIND” you can enjoy with your family by coming to the pros first – First of all as a limited series and also as a not so anticipatory series it has some really awesome visuals, I mean I was shocked that they surpassed this work of many major studios, secondly the emotion and pace of the series was fast and medium not slow so you will enjoy it. Not so many adult scenes kissing between 2 girls which was unnecessary but yeah no problem I mean it’s mandatory these days now I don’t know why It gets to the bad part or should I say stupid part – In many scenes I feel like the characters are the stupidest in that whole island I mean many incidents could be avoided but I think they chose that deliberately but I think it’s somehow necessary 🤣😭 or the series could have ended in an hour. But these negative points can be easily ignored. Overall it’s a great series if you want to watch it with your friends and family, the camerawork, VFX, location are all great and a nice adventure series that ends in 4 episodes so you don’t have to wait ages to finish itIn short, do it, you will definitely enjoy it. For me it was really enjoyable NETFLIX should make more family thriller series like this. No need to waste your time scrolling endlessly – here’s the full lineup of new movies and TV shows streaming on Netflix this month.
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